Existing user account

There is already an account associated with this email address. Click on "Sign in" below. If you forgot your password, please click on "I don't know my password" at the bottom of the connection form.

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  • Login credentials
  • Personal Information
  • Professional Information
  • Your specialties
  • Contact
  • Address
  • Summary
Login credentials
Create your Com&You account in just a few minutes. Your account will allow you to register for our events and access your invoices.
Invalid email
Important information will be sent to this email, so please make sure it is correct.
Please use at least 8 characters
Passwords do not match
Please use at least 8 characters
Passwords do not match
Personal Information
This information will appear on your badge at the event.
Must contain at least 2 characters
Must contain at least 2 characters
Date of Birth
Invalid day
Invalid month
The year must be greater than 1900
Professional Information
Knowing your profile and your specialty allows us to send you the information that interests you.
Please select your profile
Professional Activity as
You can select both options
If you are French, please fill in your RPPS or ADELI N°.
Please use at least 5 characters
Please use at least 5 characters
Your specialties
Please select your main specialty and those you would like to receive information on.
Load more choices
You can choose one or more specialties areas
In order to facilitate our exchanges, we may need to contact you regarding your registrations.
Invalid phone number
Invalid format, please use international format
Invalid phone number
Invalid format, please use international format
Your address will be used for postal communication and in the invoices addressed to you. You can enter a different billing address during the payment steps if needed.
Type of address
A company is required for business addresses. If you cannot provide this information, please use a personal address.
You must choose a country to continue
Please check the following information. If you wish to modify it, click on the corresponding block. If these details are correct, please click on Create Account.